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Saturday, November 1, 2008


Like all system of Indian sciences, the origin of ayurvreda has been taken from the gods. Ayurveda was first preceived by Brahma, and he taught this science to daksa – prajapati, who taught it to the Aswin-kumaras and they taught it to India and so on. All the four vedas are replete with references to various aspects of medicine. Many miraculous achievement in the field of medicine and surgery are mentioned in vedas. The concept of digestion, metabolism, anatomical description and discussion about several diseases are available. Different types of bacteria causing disease are also described. The process of delivery, cauterization, toxins, control of evil sprites, rejuvenation therapies and aphrodisiacs have been mentioned, medicinal plants, the different parts and their therapeutic effects are also described. Ayurveda believes in the existence of soul in the individual’s body and in the unity of the body and the mind. Mental perversions affect the physical functions, and morbidity of the body affects the mental activities. Intellectual blasphemy, unwholesome conjunction of sense organs with their objects and vagaries of weather and time are causative factor of disease. Forcible stimulation of natural strength, negligence in treatment, loss of good conduct, avoidance of health activities, malice, fear, anger, etc. are some example of intellectual blasphemy. Unwholesome conjunction of sense organs include vision, sound smell taste touch. Cold heat and rain are characteristic features of seasonal disease. Rasa, rakta, mamsa, medas, asthi, majja, sukra are the seven basic tissue element. There are thirteen groups of enzymes which are responsible for digestion and metabolism in the body

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